Mothers’ Attitude Toward Self Influences Social Competence Skills Among Children| P 67-73

Smriti Gandhi and Mamata Mahapatra
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida


Background: With the advancement in the society, women have taken up major
responsibilities, not just personally but also professionally. The burden of responsibilities
brings a lot of stress, some may manage it, but some may become vulnerable to
develop various psychological issues like depression, anxiety, etc. The effect of those
vulnerabilities can be seen in their personal lives which can affect their children. Aim:
The present study focused on assessing the impact of Mothers’ attitude towards self
that suggests cognitive vulnerabilities towards depression, on their child’s Social
Competence. The study was carried out on 200 Mothers (working and homemakers)
in the age range to 30-50 years and their children with age range 13-18 years. Results:
There was significant difference at p≤.01 in the dimensions of Mothers’Attitude towards
Self, namely High Standards (t=±15.626), Self-Criticism (t=±8.369) and Generalization
(t=±11.203), and Social Competence of their children’s between working mothers and
homemakers (t=±20.442), where the homemakers and their children were higher on
every aspect. The Social Competence between boys and girls (t=±2.008) was also
significant at p≤.05, where girls showed higher Social Competence as compared to
boys which were calculated using Independent t-test. The relationship between Mothers’
negative attitude towards self and their children’s social competence, evaluated using
Pearson’s r correlation, were moderately significant at p=.01, however was inversely
proportional with a significant impact on the child’s social competence showing 49% of
variance, analyzed using regression. Conclusion: Therefore, the attitude of working or
home maker mothers significantly affects the child’s development.
Keywords: Working, Home Maker Mothers, Attitude, Cognitive vulnerabilities, Social
Competence, Children

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