Personality Correlates of Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Perceived Stress and Optimism

Nidhi Kalonia, Amandeep, Pradeep Kumar and Vishwanand Yadav
Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh


Present study was designed to investigate the relationship among factors of personality,
Optimism, Perceived Stress and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. To fulfil the objective of
the study, Big Five Inventory-2-Short, Revised Life Orientation Test, Perceived Stress
Scale and GAD-7 Scale were administered on a sample of 405 participants comprised
of 123 males and 282 females with age range 18 to 28 years. Obtained correlations
depict that 86 percent correlation coefficients are significant at .01 or .05 levels of
probability. Two factors were extracted by applying the criteria of Eigenvalue greater
than 1.00. Perceived Stress, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Negative Emotionality
positively whereas Extraversion negatively loaded on first factor; in case of second factor,
Optimism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Open-mindedness
loaded positively. Regression analysis showed that Negative Emotionality, a factor of
personality predicts Perceived Stress and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Optimism
significantly shared variance with Perceived Stress. It reveals that people high on
negative emotionality tend to be high on perceived stress and generalized anxiety
disorder on the other hand, people high on optimism tend to be low on perceived stress

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