14th InSPA International Conference



The InSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology (IJASP) is a newly started refereed
Journal by the Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA). Necessary steps have been
initiated to include in all data bases for indexing. Kindly read the instructions carefully before
submitting your paper for consideration. The Journal publishes original empirical papers and
critical reviews of the literature on research and practices relevant to applied psychological
and behavioral processes in school settings. It presents research on intervention mechanisms
and approaches; schooling effects on the development of social, cognitive, mental-health, and
achievement-related outcomes; assessment; and consultation. All manuscripts are peer reviewed
by one or more editorial consultants with the intent of providing appropriate and constructive
written reviews. We intend to publish three types of papers such as:

1. Research papers based on empirical data: Maximum word limit 5000.
2. Theoretical or Review papers and those involving qualitative method: Maximum word
limit 6000 (in special needs it can be stretched to 7000 words and more).
3. Brief reports and book reviews: Maximum word limit 2000.

The Review Process

The IJASP has a two-tier blind peer review process. All papers are evaluated at different
levels on several dimensions, such as originality of the work, scientific argument, language,
adherence to latest APA format, references, plagiarism, and overall suitability of the paper for
the Journal. In case of review papers, the significance, comprehensiveness, and potential for
application are assessed. The review process will include the following questions:
● Is it relevant to the subject of study in journal publication?
● Are research questions (hypothesis/hypotheses) clearly stated and presenting in the
context of the current literature?
● Are research questions, as stated, important (i.e., ones that if answered would advance
knowledge, test a theory, or guide practice)?
● Is a suitable method, including statistical techniques used to answer the research
● Was an adequate sample size to answer the research questions?
● Were data analyses correctly conducted and results properly interpreted?

● What is the contribution of the major findings of the study in expanding the theoretical
knowledge and/or practice?
● Was the information presented clearly and in a manner that readily promoted the reader’s
● Should the manuscript be accepted for publication?

The Editor will communicate the decision in due time The paper accepted as it is or
need to be revised (major or minor revision/s) or will not considered for publication. The editor’s
decision is final. At the same time, the authors may withdraw their manuscript if they do not find
the suggested revisions acceptable.

Plagiarism is treated as an offense 

So please check your paper carefully for possible
plagiarism. You may use any free plagiarism checker available on the internet before submitting
the paper.


The manuscript should be prepared in standard format with Arial fonts in size 12. Authors
should prepare manuscripts strictly according to the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (APA 7th ed. 2020). Instructions related to formatting, preparation
of tables, figures, references, metrics and abstracts appear in the IJASP manual.
The manuscript should include title with less than 15 words, the name of the author(s) and
affiliations and the running head. It should also contain abstract with keywords. The graphic files
are welcome if supplied as Tiff format.

Major Components of a paper

Abstract with Keywords
Abstract should not exceed 200 words. Please mention essential background information,
objectives, method, analysis, findings, and implications in brief. Three to five keywords may be
Introduction: (Please do not give ‘Introduction’ as heading). Introductory part should be precise
and pertain to the specific area of study covering only relevant research. Please avoid the use of
references more than 15 years old unless they are essential. In providing references within text,
please follow the current APA style.
Objectives / Hypotheses: These may be given/presented as a separate heading, or included in
the Introduction.
Method: (NOT methodology): For empirical papers, this should include Sample, Tools/Measures,
Ethical concern, Procedure etc. For review papers, this should include scope of review, sources
of papers, time frame, mode of analysis, etc.
Results: (NOT Data Analyses): Please provide relevant information only. Results presented in
one form (e.g., Tables) should not appear again in other forms like text and graphs. Maximum
three or four tables may be given. Use Arabic numerals for table and figure numbers. Tables and
figures may be given within text in appropriate place or presented separately. Please indicate in
the text where tables/figures should appear.
Discussion: Major findings should be discussed in the light of existing theory and relevant work
in the past. In some situations, results may be combined with discussion to avoid repetition.
Discussion should also point out what is the unique achievement/contribution of the research.
Conclusion: It should be precise and based on the findings. In the concluding section, please
comment on application and limitations of the study, if any.
References: Citations in the text and references must correspond to each other; please avoid old
and unnecessary references. Kindly provide full journal titles.
Acknowledgement: To be given at the end of the paper.
Please submit the manuscript to jaspsychology@gmail.com
Before submission, please check:
• Your name(s) and institutional address with email and mobile number
• Abstract with keywords
• APA style in manuscript preparation
• Captions for all Tables and Figures
• Report of checking for plagiarism
• Graphics, if any, of high-resolution. Preferred formats are either TIFF or EPS.
• Text files in a standard MS word-processing format
On final acceptance of the paper, authors are required to obtain and provide all necessary
permissions to reproduce any copyrighted work, including, for example, test instruments and
other test materials or portions thereof to the editor.
Publication policy
IJASP policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent
consideration of other publications. As this journal is an international journal that publishes      original materials, IJASP policy prohibits publication of any manuscript that has already been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere. Authors are required to sign an agreement in writing that the submitted paper is an original work and not submitted elsewhere, and that they have complied with ethical standards in the treatment of their sample, human or animal, and describe the details of treatment.
Permission for reproduction of a paper or any part should be addressed to the editor.
Manuscripts, Books and Test Reviews should be addressed to Prof. Panch. Ramalingam, Editor,
InSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology (IJASP) at ijasp2018@gmail.com

Submit your paper