Loneliness, Environmental Concern and Minimalism among College Students

Anita Narayan Bhat
Government First Grade College, Sirsi (U.K.) Karnataka

Pagese, 112-118

Loneliness is a pressing public health threat across the globe. As such the concept
needs to be tackled in multiple ways. The present study explored the relationship
between loneliness, environmental concern and minimalism among college students.
Further, gender differences were examined on these variables. A total of 254 (Female =
130 and male =124) undergraduate college students in the age range of 19 – 22 was
recruited through convenience sampling. UCLA Loneliness Scale by Russell D (1978),
Environmental concern (Lee K, 2009) and minimalism scale by Iwata (2006) were used
to collect data along with the demographic sheet. Results revealed that there is a
significant relationship between loneliness, environmental concern and minimalism.
Further gender differences were not significant as far as loneliness, environmental
concern and minimalism were considered

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