Characteristics of Online Gamers: A Correlational Analysis

Rajani and Sonia Malik
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak


Online gamers pass their time doing nothing but playing games. Of course, playing too
much might interfere with everyday tasks. Their routines are being adversely affected
by their improper usage of online games. Personality traits i.e. openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are strongly related to online
gaming. The current study set out to investigate how personality and internet gaming
relate to one another. 300 adolescents, both male and female, between the ages of 13
and 19 were included in the study. The NEO Five-factor Inventory and the Problematic
Online Gaming Questionnaire were utilized to gather the data for this investigation.
Using Pearson product moment correlation, the data were calculated. The results of
the present investigation revealed that openness to experience and conscientiousness
was consistently positively correlated with online gaming. It can be said that the higher
the openness to experience and conscientiousness, the higher the online gaming in
adolescents. Furthermore, extraversion and agreeableness are negatively correlated
with online gaming. That means persons with extraverted personality are more social
and outgoing and not indulge in online games.

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