Enhancing Adolescent’s Well-Being: Addressing the Impact of Character Strengths

Sandeep Kumar Pandey and Akhilendra K. Singh
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi


Well-being is a multifaceted concept closely linked to character strengths. By
understanding the various character strengths of adolescents, we can foster their overall
well-being, supporting their mental health and enabling them to flourish during this
crucial developmental period. This study aimed to investigate how character strengths
contribute to predicting well-being in adolescents. Data were collected from a sample
of 200 students from Central Board of Secondary School and Indian Certificate of
Secondary Education school using a convenience sampling method. To gather
information, two standardized tools were utilized: the Values in Action Inventory (VIAY-R2) and the PERMA Profiler. The data were analysed using correlation and regression
techniques. Findings revealed a significant positive relationship between character
strengths and well-being of adolescent. The study highlights the importance of this
positive personality traits for enhancing psychological well-being in adolescents.
Additionally, it discusses the implications of applying positive psychology principles to
improve adolescent well-being.

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