Japan-India Comparison in the Clinical Psychologist Curriculum

Jiro Ogata, Michiko Ishikawa, Kazuko Yamada and Daiki Furuya
Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare, Japan

Pages:, 474-487

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between Japanese and
Indian curricula in the training of psychologists. The results of this study revealed that
there are clear differences between the curricula in Japan and India in the training of
psychologists in terms of 1) duration of study as a psychologist, 2) experience and
affinity of supervision, and 3) consideration of diversity in both countries. In the training
of psychologists in Japan, it was considered that the introduction of a more practical
curriculum, setting the duration of study, and taking up a lot of supervision and aiming
at growth as a professional from the student’s period of study would be issues

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