Technology and Its Effects on Student Well-Being: Analyzing the Impact of Digital Tools and Social Media on Mental Health

Ravindiran E and Pramila Ramani
Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur


Today, technology and social media have changed how students learn and relate.
Therefore, the chances and obstacles they present for students’ mental well-being
today have also changed. From this perspective, technology and social media have
altered the learning and interaction processes between students of today in light of
mental health. So much variability between both advantageous and challenging aspects
arises in teaching methods that more than ever affects mental health. Thus, the working
paper explores the intricately related relationship between technological usage and
psychological well-being among students, which needs consideration with a particular
focus on the Indian educational context. Positive factors include, among other things,
learning adventures enabled by a personal learning experience and free-of-cost
resources. Meanwhile, the usability of digital media cures mental disorders and enables
students to utilize stress management techniques, anxiety, and depression. However,
dependence on technology comes with many challenges, such as high screen usage,
which enhances the possibility of sleep disorders and vision difficulties. Higher levels
of anxiety about cyberbullying and reduced self-esteem are also associated with the
usage of social media. Digital distractions constantly impede the head from concentrating
and, thus, academic performance. Through the combined findings from international
studies and Indian-level research, this paper elaborates on these double-edged impacts
that will notably help teachers, parents, and policymakers seek measures to reduce
adverse effects while enhancing the positive impact of technology. As far as positive
measures in the use of technology are concerned, there are positive practices of nurturing
and educating children about online safety. Positive technology usage will help policy
announcers mention it as indispensable in an all-inclusive learning environment and a
catalyst for even better examination results, together with the realization of healthy
psychological behavior among students in the course of acquisition in today’s digital

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