Social Media Addiction and Psychological Distress among Nuclear and Joint Family Adolescents

Kavita Kumar and Naina Gupta
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, UP

Pages: 250-260

The present study explored social media addiction and psychological distress among
adolescents belonging to nuclear and joint families. ‘Social Media Addiction Scale-
Student Form (SMAS-SF)’ by Sahin and ‘Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)’
by Kessler were administered. Results illustrate no significant difference between
nuclear and joint family adolescents in terms of social media addiction (F=3.450, p >
0.05), while significant difference is observed between gender (F=8.419, p < 0.05), and
no significant interaction effect is found between family and gender on Social Media
Addiction (F=3.047 p > 0.05). For psychological distress, a significant difference between
nuclear and joint families, and gender and a significant interaction effect is observed
(F= 377.736, p < 0.01; F= 436.151, p < 0.01, and F= 397.598, p < 0.01) respectively.
The research has its implication for the academicians and health professionals to pay
special attention on the various factors that are affected by the family structures and
provide counseling sessions with the help of the teachers to promote good mental
health of adolescents who are the future torch bearers of the nation.

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