A.H.S. Vithal and Swathi Paidipati
Osmania University, Hyderabad
Pages: 276-284
During adolescence, a person’s health is greatly affected by the fast changes occurring
in their bodies, minds, social lives, and emotions. Adolescents possessing
encouragement, assurance, and resources within safe and healthy relationships are
more likely to achieve their true potential. The significance of Academic Psychological
Capital in influencing students’ academic outcomes is noteworthy. The personal growth
initiative equips teenagers to navigate life changes more effectively and is a crucial
component of their fundamental positive development and well-being. This study aimed
to investigate the role of Academic Psychological Capital and Personal Growth Initiative
in predicting Well-being among adolescent girls. This investigation made use of an
exploratory research strategy. The sample included 160 female students. Simple random
sampling method was employed. Data was analysed using ANOVA and Multiple
Regression. Results indicated that there is a moderate level of Academic Psychological
Capital and Well-being, and high level of Personal Growth Initiative among adolescent
girls. Both Academic Psychological Capital and Personal Growth Initiative emerged as
significant predictors of well-being.