Sunita Devi and Sandeep Singh
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar (Haryana)
Drug addiction has become a worldwide problem. Millions of people in India are addicted
to drugs. Many psychological and social factors affect drug addiction. The goal of this
study is to examine the relationship between people’s attitudes towards drugs and
psychological factors (resilience and optimism). The present study included 200 adults
(100 female and 100 male) in the age range of 20 to 40 years. Self-reported measures
were used to assess the resilience, optimism, and attitude of participants toward drugs.
Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression were performed to test the
hypotheses. The results depicted that attitude towards drugs had a moderate negative
correlation with resilience (r=-0.634) and optimism (r=-0.564). Regression analysis
found that resilience (β=-0.634, p<0.05) and optimism (β=-0.564, p<0.05) were significant
predictors of attitudes toward drugs. Resilience and optimism are protective factors
that can save people from drug addiction. Ultimately, it is suggested that skills to
enhance levels of resilience and optimism may be useful in changing attitudes of people
toward drugs