Attitude towards Gender Roles and its Relation to Emotional Maturity and Self-esteem

Lalhmingsangiand C. Lalfakzuali
Mizoram University

Pages 90-100

The present study aimed to explore gender role attitudes, emotional maturity and selfesteem. It examined the relationship between the psychological variables and explore
the group differences on these variables. The sample of the study comprised of 300
(150 male and 150 female) participants in Mizoram which are selected using multistage random sampling procedure with age ranging between 18 to 50 years.
Demographic profiles and data were collected using Attitudes Towards Women Scale
by Spence, Helmrich & Stapp, Emotional Maturity Scale by Singh & Mahesh Bhargava
and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale by Rosenberg. Psychometric adequacy and
parametric statistic assumptions were checked. Pearson correlation and One-Way
ANOVA were applied. The result showed significant group ‘gender X locality’ difference
on gender role attitudes and self-esteem. Significant relationship was also found between
emotional maturity and self-esteem

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