Sarabjit Kaur Sran
Mata Sundari College, University of Delhi
Ekta Bhambri Marwaha and Priti Rai
S.P.M College, University of Delhi
High and occasionally low amounts of alcohol intake in adulthood have been linked to
poor mental and social integration. The present study explores the relationships between
alcohol consumption and mental health among young adults aged 25-35. A sample of
49 adult males was included in the study via purposive sampling. The Depression,
Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to measure mental health, while Alcohol
Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was utilized to measure alcohol intake. The
findings showed a significant relationship between depression, anxiety, and alcohol
consumption. Additionally, a moderate positive correlation with stress was found. These
findings align with existing literature, emphasizing the complex bidirectional relationship
between alcohol consumption and mental health outcomes