Procrastination Culture of the Institution and Academic Procrastination of College Students

Krishnanjali S.
Sri C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, India
Deepa Francis M.
St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, India
Justine K. James
Sri C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, India

Pages:, 410-424

Academic procrastination refers to the inclination to postpone or avoid academic-related
activities and behaviours. Academic procrastination affects students of all ages, whether
they are in elementary school or pursuing some form of educational achievement or
degree. The present study aims to understand the characteristics of the institution
which predict academic procrastination of college students. The sample included 490
college students, including 368 females and 122 males. An online survey strategy
through social media was employed to identify respondents from the population of
college students in Kerala. The academic Procrastination Scale by McCloskey and
three other self-developed scales are used in the study. Results of correlation analysis
and regression analysis revealed positive relationships between task aversiveness, a
lack of study skill training, low self-efficacy, and academic procrastination. Gender
difference in academic procrastination is also identified.

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