Effect of Yoga and Psychoeducation on Menstrual Attitude and Premenstrual Syndrome among Adolescent School Girls

Srinithi A M and Gayatridevi S
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher education for Women

Pages:, 495-505

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and negative menstrual attitudes are prevalent issues
among adolescent school girls, impacting their physical, emotional, and educational
well-being. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of yoga and psychoeducation
in developing favourable menstrual attitudes and reducing the severity of PMS in
adolescent school girls. Forty adolescent school girls were chosen to participate in
the before-after intervention study. Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire and Pre-Menstrual
Syndrome Questionnaire was used to collect data. Yoga in the form of Simplified Physical
exercises by Vethathri Maharishi paired with Psychoeducation was the intervention
provided to the research participants. The results were analysed using SPSS-27. The
findings suggest that yoga and psychoeducation are effective interventions for fostering
favourable menstrual attitudes and reducing the severity of PMS symptoms among
adolescent school girls.

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