Anitta Joseph, Bushra P. K., Jinsina C.M., Jyothis Joy, and Ninu Margret Mathew
Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences and Health, Calicut, Indiae
The aim of the present study was to find out the relationship between parenting style,
peer pressure, and self-disclosure among adolescent students. The sample consists
of 100 adolescent students out of which 50 were male and 50 were female within the
age group of 16 -18 years. Random sampling technique was used to draw the sample
from the population for the present study. Tools used were Parenting Style Inventory by
Divya and Manikandan, Peer Pressure Scale by Santor, Messervey, and Kusumakar,
and Self-Disclosure Scale by Dyna and Aleena. Karl Pearson’s Correlation and t-test
were used for the analysis of data. The results indicate that peer pressure has a positive
relationship with self-disclosure, authoritarian parenting style, permissive parenting style.
There is a positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and self-disclosure.
Keywords: Parenting style, Peer pressure, Self-disclosure, Adolescents.